Dungeon Contest

 One of the features of Owlbear Quarterly will be a populated dungeon contest. We'll supply the dungeon, number and ready for filling, and readers can submit their complete dungeons. The top three dungeons, as determined by a distinguised panel of judges, will be published and the authors will receive cash prizes. 

The dungeon for the inaugural issue is below. The file can be downloaded here.

Rules for the dungeon contest are as follows:

1. Submissions for the first issue are due May 31st.
2. The dungeon should be statted out using Old School Essentials, and using the standard OSE monster format.
3. The write-up should be roughly 1-2 pages.
4. Submissions should be both in pdf and word (or similar) format.
5. Email submissions to owlbearquarterly@gmail.com
6. There will be three winners, 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place. Prizes will be in the form of Drivethrurpg store credit: 50.00 dollars (US) for 1st place, 25.00 for 2nd place, and 10.00 for 3rd place.


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